Friday, April 9, 2010

Clearwater, Florida - Day 5

The kingly lion was not amused that we used him as a hat rack for Brienne's sun bonnets...

Our last full day in Clearwater was overcast in the morning, so we took a trip to the very fancy (kidding...) Clearwater Aquarium.

Watching the dolphin with Grammy.

Shopping in the gift store. This is MY idea of a good time!

The sun came out around lunchtime, and all the clouds disappeared. Hooray!

Enjoying an afternoon snack of kiwi and cantaloup before heading back down to the pool.

Who is that CUTE baby?!?! She looks just like me....

Wanna make out?

Sloppy kisser...Nice drool string!

Giddy like a school girl.

Milestones of the week: 1) Brienne can roll herself up to a seated position. 2) She has two visible teeth. 3) She can clap. 4) She sleeps through the night (NOT!)

That's all folks! Big thanks to Grammy & Grampy for a fun week!

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