Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Davis Farmland

As you've no doubt gathered by now, there are no shortage of farms in our area that provide amusement to young children. Today we made our first visit to Davis Farmland in Sterling, and I must say that my expectations were far exceeded. This place was GREAT! There were SO many animals -- most of whom you could touch and feed, free hayrides, various food options (we packed our lunches, but enjoyed some ice cream later in the day), several playgrounds, and a really cool spray park. And to top it all off, the place was immaculate! Even the bathrooms. My kinda farm!

We arrived just in time to see the calves being bottle fed. Some of the older children actually got to feed them. Aiden & Bree were a little timid and wouldn't get close enough for a photo with this calf. But seriously, how cute is this??

Both kids (ha - no pun intended!) adored the tiniest of the baby goats, but when the bigger goats came 'round looking for food and to play, forget it! "Go Away!" Brienne would cry. Awww...they were just trying to be friendly. :-)

This little piggy went to market. There were 2 cute little oinkers in this pen. Born in April. They were already MUCH bigger than the piggies we saw last week at Drumlin Farm.

It may look like Aiden was getting comfortable with some of the bigger goats in this next picture, but really it was just a lucky shot. Instead of letting the goats eat out of his palm, he would toss the kibbles (?) through the fence.

This dude needs a haircut in a worse way than Aiden!

The hayride....

It wouldn't be a really cool farm if there wasn't a tractor to ride on, right?

Sadly my camera battery died before we reached the splash park, but I did get a few "okay" shots from my phone. Ahhh - the age of technology!

Ending the day with an ice cream treat! YUM!

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