Saturday, June 30, 2012

Portsmouth Air Show

Waiting in line for a tour of the FedEx plane.

No one could take a moment to actually look at me while we were on the plane....Oh well.

Crazy hot day to be sitting on a runway for 4 hours, but the kids were troupers!

Bree & best friend Elizabeth try to get some relief in the shade.

Coloring and working on their tans.

Say (melted) cheese!

Best view for watching the Blue Angels.  We have some incredible videos, but of course I have no clue how to make them small enough to post.  Sorry blog followers.  I'd tell ya I'd post 'em later, but the chances of that happening are slim to none.  (Just being honest....)

After waiting over an hour to escape the parking lot, it was pretty clear that there was no way we were going to make it home in time to give kids dinner.  We happened upon a great little restaurant (Flatbreads, which I'm pretty sure is a chain) in Amesbury, in a historic building near a waterfall with outdoor seating.  It was a perfect end to a fun day!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Pool School - Week 2

Our first week of Pool School was such a success, that we signed up for an additional week.  They were long days for Aiden, especially, since this was an afternoon class following Summer Camp in the morning.  All in all, it was worth the craziness and exhaustion.

Bree's new partner in crime this week was none-other-than buddy Ethan.  Let's just say it's a good thing the ratio of kids to teacher was 3:1.  They were both so silly and unable to wait their turn before jumping.  Their teacher had the patience of a saint, for sure.

Aiden was thrilled to have best bud Adam in his class this time around.

Still a little nervous in the water, but still he's made great strides in my very biased opinion.  :-)

Aiden with his face in the water.  A sight I was worried I might never see.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Canobie Lake Park

So happy for a day at the amusement park!

Lil' Indians

Had to post this one, despite the fact that it's a little blurry.  She's SO in her element when she's on a swing.  

While my friend Laura & I were waiting in the endless roller coaster line, the Dads hung out with the kids.  Apparently they did this Jungle Bounce ride about a dozen times in a row.

Took almost 3 years, but she finally has enough hair that it can fly!

Look Dads, no hands!

Poor Bree was very sullen in this photo.  She'd taken a major digger on an uneven stone walkway and totally scrapped up her face.  The boys didn't seem too phased by her injury, however.  Aiden takes charge at the steering wheel.  He's done this a few times on Grampy's real boat.  :-)

I think this one was called Flower Power.  Another favorite of all the boys.  Fast and spinny!  Adam & Aiden get brave -- "Look Moms, no hands!"

Despite her boo-boos, Bree really enjoyed the sky ride.  I think this was one of the only smiles we saw following her fall.  :-(

Monday, June 18, 2012

Utter Exhaustion

On the rare occasion that she takes a nap these days, it's either self-imposed or accidental.  This is an example of an accidental nap while I was getting dinner started.  :-)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Seeking shade....and perhaps a small rest.

The man of the day with Auntie Kelly and Cousin Baby Bump.

Showing off his mad skills on the 2 wheeler. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Strawberry Festival

This is our 6th full summer living in Westford, and we finally made it to the Strawberry Festival!  The strawberry shortcake was delicioso (as Brienne would say -- thanks to Dora the Explorer, she's becoming bi-lingual!).

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Zoorasic Park

This summer's "Zoorasic Park" at the Franklin Park Zoo was, of course, a major draw for us.  Unfortunately, it really paled in comparison to Dinosaur World.  For anyone planning on making the trek to Dorchester solely to check out the dinos, you may want to think twice.  It was "okay", but definitely not worth the extra admission.

Baby T-Rex


At the wheel of the safari jeep.

This girl loves her carousels!

A more serious rider....

One of the more amusing exhibits was this huge den of Gorillas.  One adult, photographed below,  appeared to take a liking to Auntie Kelly's sense of fashion.  When she appeared, he gestured towards her, and then changed the way his shirt was draped over his shoulders to sort of mimic a bag that she had slung over one shoulder and across to the opposite hip.  Amazing creatures!