Tuesday, June 5, 2012

WPS "Graduation" Day

It's hard to believe that another year of preschool has already come to a close.   Looking back, a lot changes in one year.  The graduation ceremony was very sweet.  Aiden actually participated in the songs, etc. this year.  Last year I think he was completely overwhelmed by the crowd of parents, and pretty much just stood at the front of the hall looking around in awe.  He made some great new friendships at school this year, and he's already looking forward to beginning his final year at Westford Preschool (The Fall 5's) in September.

The Procession

Bumble Bee Song

Soon-to-be Preschoolers

The serious scholar receives his diploma from Mrs. Martinec and Mrs. Kilday

The diploma doubles as a trumpet during the recessional

Party time!

Stubbornly refusing to smile for the camera with pal, Ethan (aka "Ethan M").

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