Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Canobie Lake Park

So happy for a day at the amusement park!

Lil' Indians

Had to post this one, despite the fact that it's a little blurry.  She's SO in her element when she's on a swing.  

While my friend Laura & I were waiting in the endless roller coaster line, the Dads hung out with the kids.  Apparently they did this Jungle Bounce ride about a dozen times in a row.

Took almost 3 years, but she finally has enough hair that it can fly!

Look Dads, no hands!

Poor Bree was very sullen in this photo.  She'd taken a major digger on an uneven stone walkway and totally scrapped up her face.  The boys didn't seem too phased by her injury, however.  Aiden takes charge at the steering wheel.  He's done this a few times on Grampy's real boat.  :-)

I think this one was called Flower Power.  Another favorite of all the boys.  Fast and spinny!  Adam & Aiden get brave -- "Look Moms, no hands!"

Despite her boo-boos, Bree really enjoyed the sky ride.  I think this was one of the only smiles we saw following her fall.  :-(


  1. What happened! Bree has a Boo-boo ... :(

  2. Not entirely sure what happened, as I'd turned my head for two seconds to make sure I knew where Aiden was running off to. I think she just tripped on some uneven stones on the path we were on. :-(
