Saturday, June 30, 2012

Portsmouth Air Show

Waiting in line for a tour of the FedEx plane.

No one could take a moment to actually look at me while we were on the plane....Oh well.

Crazy hot day to be sitting on a runway for 4 hours, but the kids were troupers!

Bree & best friend Elizabeth try to get some relief in the shade.

Coloring and working on their tans.

Say (melted) cheese!

Best view for watching the Blue Angels.  We have some incredible videos, but of course I have no clue how to make them small enough to post.  Sorry blog followers.  I'd tell ya I'd post 'em later, but the chances of that happening are slim to none.  (Just being honest....)

After waiting over an hour to escape the parking lot, it was pretty clear that there was no way we were going to make it home in time to give kids dinner.  We happened upon a great little restaurant (Flatbreads, which I'm pretty sure is a chain) in Amesbury, in a historic building near a waterfall with outdoor seating.  It was a perfect end to a fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Flatbreads in Bend is at the Old Mill, a short hop and a skip from here. Next visit and we'll go there.
